Muistikuvia – Recollections (2019)
Recollections is Valtteri Raekallio‘s latest performance, created in collaboration with dancer Annamari Keskinen and award-winning violinist and composer Meriheini Luoto. The intergenerational piece poses the question of where are the boundaries between memories, fiction and narration.
Recollections is an autofictional hybrid performance in which childhood, an imaginary shared history, unrealized futures and confronting one’s own mortality form a framework for an interchange between three artists.
The performance bends the boundaries of truth, creating a fragmentary world of the unconscious; it shows how our memories are deceitful and subject to interpretation, yet we still construct our identities through storylines that are based on them.
“You can’t empty that well; that well is connected to
the deep waters in which we as children played, and there
in the endless depths of the ocean, were born our dreams of flying”
– Claes Andersson, trans. Thomas Freundlich
Premiere: 07.05.2019, Zodiak Stage, Helsinki, Finland
Artistic concept and realization: Valtteri Raekallio
Performers: Annamari Keskinen, Valtteri Raekallio (dance),
Meriheini Luoto (violin, nyckelharpa, live electronics and vocals)
Music: Meriheini Luoto
Set design: Aino Koski
Lighting design: Jukka Huitila
Cinefilms and projections: Thomas Freundlich
Production assistant: Riikka Laurilehto
Production: Raekallio Corp., Zodiak – Uuden tanssin keskus
Duration: 50 min